Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Longtime JALC Board member, and chair, Don Brewer took the occasion of his last Board meeting to defend the Board's actions last year regarding faculty and staff layoffs, criticized attendees who may have given a little too much truth to the Higher Learning Commission visit team and claimed that enrollment is hunky dory. 

Newly elected members Becky Borgsmiller and Mandy Little were seated and temporary presiding officer Ron House called on Glenn Poshard to report on the nominating committee.  Apparently, the outgoing Board does the nominating and the new one votes.  Seems like the new Board, including the new members, would nominate officers, but...  The nominees, for chair, were Ray Hancock and Bill Kilquist.  It quickly became clear what the new voting blocs will be.  Voting for Hancock were Hancock, Borgsmiller and Little.  Electing Bill Kilquist were Rendleman, Kilquist, Poshard and Graff.  The news of the night was that Graff and Poshard have clearly thrown their lot in with the Old Guard. 

This became apparent during the regular meeting, that followed the organizational meeting, when Borgsmiller questioned the way so much business is conducted in small committees, away from the public eye.  Poshard didn't see the lack of transparency as an issue. 

The change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that's all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war...
...Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
© Spirit Music Group

Monday, April 24, 2017


The John A. Logan College Board of Trustees has two meetings, tomorrow night.  The first, at 6:30, will seat the two newly elected Board members, Mandy Little and Becky Borgsmiller.  There will then be an election of Board officers.  The second meeting, the regular monthly meeting, will begin at 7pm.  Both are open to the public and both have public comment periods on the agenda.

This will be an opportunity for current, retired and laid off faculty and staff, as well as students and community members to see their new board representatives sworn in (at the 6:30 meeting) and for those new Board members to see what interest the Logan community takes in the governance of their college (the 7pm meeting). 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


UPDATE at 10:15pm

Franklin County has one holdout precinct.  We guestimate about 261 votes, or one percent of the total district vote.  This thing is over.  Congratulations to the two new John A. Logan College Board members!  The new trustees will be Mandy Little and Becky Borgsmiller.  We are hopeful that they will usher in a new era of transparency, integrity and good will at the College.  Good night all!

Borgsmiller Ellis Little Orrill percent in
Jackson 2,810 1,219 1,599 1,247 100.00%
Williamson 2,798 1,549 2,027 1,362 100.00%
Franklin 386 862 849 251 90.00%
Perry 661 378 476 377 100.00%
Randolph 51 41 41 28 100.00%

6,706 4,049 4,992 3,265 99.35%

Borgsmiller 6,706 35.3%
Ellis 4,049 21.3%
Little 4,992 26.3%
Orrill 3,265 17.2%

UPDATE at 9:54m

With only 2% of the vote outstanding, about 496 votes, Becky Borgsmiller and Mandy Little have insurmountable leads, in our unofficial tally. 

Borgsmiller 6,479 35.05%
Ellis 3,993 21.60%
Little 4,835 26.15%
Orrill 3,179 17.20%

Two Jackson and one Franklin County precincts are still to be counted. 

UPDATE at 9:27pm

Borgsmiller Ellis Little Orrill percent in
Jackson 2,583 1,163 1,442 1,161 96.43%
Williamson 2,798 1,549 2,027 1,362 100.00%
Franklin 386 862 849 251 90.00%
Perry 661 378 476 377 100.00%
Randloph 51 41 41 28 100.00%

6,479 3,993 4,835 3,179 98.05%


UPDATE at 9:17pm

Borgsmiller Ellis Little Orrill percent in
Jackson 2,188 958 1,183 973 82.14%
Williamson 2,798 1,549 2,027 1,362 100.00%
Franklin 386 862 849 251 90.00%
Perry 302 180 211 188 68.42%
Randloph 51 41 41 28 100.00%

5,725 3,590 4,311 2,802 88.96%

UPDATE at 9:04pm: 

Borgsmiller Ellis Little Orrill percent in
Jackson 2,188 958 1,183 973 82.14%
Williamson 2,798 1,549 2,027 1,362 100.00%
Franklin 133 309 324 85 30.00%
Perry 302 180 211 188 68.42%
Randloph 51 41 41 28 100.00%

5,472 3,037 3,786 2,636 85.06%

As we've done in the past, we will attempt to live blog election results.  These are a combination of tabulations from news sites, such as WSIL and the Southern Illinoisan and the various county websites, in the district.  Polls closed at 7pm. Results are now coming in. 

Borgsmiller Ellis Little Orrill total vote so far
Jackson 512 225 214 215 1,166
Williamson 0 0 0 0 0
Franklin 133 309 324 85 851
Perry 302 180 211 188 881
Randloph 0 0 0 0 0

947 714 749 488 2,898

Borgsmiller Ellis Little Orrill percent in
Jackson 512 225 214 215 17.54%
Williamson 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Franklin 133 309 324 85 30.00%
Perry 302 180 211 188 68.42%
Randloph 0 0 0 0 0.00%

947 714 749 488 14.61%