It's summertime and the living is supposed to be easy, but we expect some BOT members will be going into overdrive when they think no one is watching. Keep your eyes on the following:
1. Discussion of the strategic plan is on the agenda for June 25. We are hopeful it will be approved in its entirety but look out for ways that some trustees will try to continue to delay discussion or come up with creative ways to undermine it. Rendleman, Brewer and Kilquist will try to hold on to what little power they have left and be looking for an "escape" clause on any implementation they don't like.
2. Also on the agenda is planning for a board retreat. Although Illinois Open Meeting Act permits boards to go into closed session for the purpose of "self-evaluations, practices and procedures of professional ethics, when meeting with a representative of a statewide association of which the public body is a member," we question the board's ability to stick to this purpose. Going back to 2008, retreats have been linked with special meetings and have been business as usual. If the board is truly interested in self-evaluation, then have a retreat but keep the other business items off the agenda. Don't use the "retreat/special meeting" title as an excuse to go off campus and have dinner first and then closed discussions.
Let's keep some things in mind from past retreats/special meetings:
It was in August 2008 when this happened:
Trustee Jake Rendleman expressed his feeling that the position of Director of Personnel should be looked at for possible advancement, due to the fact that the responsibilities of that office have grown considerably. Legal Counsel John Huffman agreed that the additional procedures and requirements established by the work of the Hiring Committee have increased the load of the Personnel Office, and added that the Director of Personnel has grown so much in this position…Trustee O'Keefe stated that he feelsthe office needs more people, and suggested this be looked into by the administration. Mr. Rendleman stressed that he feels the position of Director of Personnel should be elevated to Executive Director of Personnel.
It was suggested that this topic be continued in closed session. (Of course!)
In June 2011, note these comments from the minutes:
Trustee Sanders commented that most boards are not as involved in the hiring process as the JALC Board. He saidthat in talking with trustees across the nation, most boards just act on the recommendation brought to them, with the exception of hiring vice presidents and presidents. After further discussion, Board Chair Mike Hopkins suggested that the Board should only address items in closed session that they have been previously informed of. It was the consensus of the Board that they would appreciate being aware of any items that will be brought up in closed session so they can be better prepared to discuss in a timely manner and make good decisions. (But then Brewer and Kilquist couldn't use their intimidation tactics.)And from September 2012:
Board Chair Mike Hopkins stated it was desirable to hold a closed session to discuss the appointment,employment, and compensation of specific individuals; and to meet with a representative of the Illinois Community College Trustees Association for thepurpose of self evaluation, practices and procedures.
Jim Snider and John O'Keefe moved and seconded that the special meeting/retreat of the John A. Logan
College Board of Trustees be declared in closed session.
Upon roll call, all members voted yes with the exception of Trustee John Sanders who voted no. (This is the only recent no vote against a closed session – wonder what was going on?)
3. As the anonymous replier with the ellipsis fetish and hatred of faculty keeps reminding us, there are two dean positions open – Dean for Academic Affairs and Dean for Career & Technical Education. As stated before, we are not privy to any inside info on these positions. Our criticism of hiring has primarily focused on the hiring/promotion of BOT and administrators' children and friends. So we can only speculate that there must be some favorite sons looking for advancement. Perhaps it's Barry Hancock . We've been pleased with Aunt Jackie Hancock's recent actions on the board, but we have to question if her vote could be bought on other issues with the promise of a new job for Barry. And we shouldn't have to remind readers of this blog that Clay Brewer is the filter for all hiring.
Stay tuned – the heat this summer could be one for the record books!