We're hearing that one of the out-of-district VPs is planning his/her retirement, leaving room for the ascension of … Clay Brewer to VP! Of what? Doesn't matter!!! C'mon, he's CLAY BREWER!!
His preparation has consisted of securing nearly unlimited power to the Personnel Office (all approved quietly by the BOT of course... if not instigated by them) , sending those essential reminder e-mails about changing the clocks for daylite saving time, and playing hundreds of rounds of golf.
Is it inevitable? Will there be some charade of a "search" or will he simply be anointed by Brewer Senior? Can those board members with convictions and ethics muster the will to challenge it? Will the public have anything to say about the way CB was hired, promoted, given enormously increased control over applications and hiring, and allowed to arrive mid-morning and leave mid-afternoon?
Stay tuned.