Sunday, March 10, 2013

"We hire and fire."

Listening to the audio from that forum, when asked "what does the Board do," it was O'Keefe who said--first thing--"we hire and fire." At other colleges and organizations governed by trustees, that's NOT the main function of a trustee. Usually, they trust those in administrative positions and those who review resumes (well, those who USED to review applications before the recent ceding of those powers to the Director of Human Resources, who squeezes it in before golf), and those who sit through hours of interviews to choose the best candidate. These guys can't let go of the power trip, even for the good of the college. Time for a change.

1 comment:

  1. It's time for O'Keefe to get off the board and stop being the lap dog for Brewer and Rendleman. O'Keefe didn't even circulate his own petitions to get on the ballot (I believe they were done by Brewer and Rendleman) which says volumes about his lack of interest to serve and instead just protect his son's position.
    As for Brewer's son, I've always wondered why the Director of Human Resources sends out a reminder via college email when the time changes -- is this in his job description? Of course, it is one job he can handle!
