Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nothing to see here, folks. Just move along.

If you watched the video of the  prez addressing the troops on the first day of school, all your questions have been answered. Well, except for why that speech was promoted, filmed, and posted... but that's a different issue.

Late budget? Easy. New budget system, much more complicated. Board didn't approve the plan when they were sposed to. 

Institutional support? No explanantion of what it actually IS, but the troops were reassured that JAL doesn't spend ANY MORE than any OTHER schools on that mysterious item. No word on why it grew by 8 million bucks during the same time that instruction (oh yea, thos students) grew by 1 million. 

So don't pay ANY attention to ANY silly blogs. Yep, we got a shoutout. If you were concerned about the appearance of impropriety, don't worry! Be happy!

1 comment:

  1. Ooohhh, the new budget is on the college page. Already interested in the numbers under 'institutional support.' Lookit Employe Benefits, for example, and compare that number to the numbers under Instruction and under Student Services. Looks like those lucky institutional supporters are getting some benefits that the teachers and staff aren't. Let's all dig in and keep these folks on their toes.
