Monday, November 18, 2013

What do you know?

No, really, what do you know? We're just not hearing a thing about the ethics of a candidate for a statewide office soliciting campaign contributions while serving as a trustee of a state-funded institution. 

What should we be talking about?


  1. As far as ex Sheriff Kilquist-HE has no ethics..It is all ABOUT HIM! As previously stated it is in my opinion that he should immediately resign from the JALC board due to the conflict of running for state rep; not whether he wins or not.He cannot maintain his focus on improving JALC or even talking to HIS voters on how to improve Logan when he is out soliciting campaign funds and seeking election to another position in politics after a mere 6 months on a 6 year term. We all knew he wouldn't last 6 years when he was elected. Board meeting coming up for his next NEWS SPLASH on is attack to Jerry Halstead and Logan Athletic dept. Stay tuned

  2. It is abundantly clear that Dreith is being stymied at every turn. The gang of three sits on each committee that can strangle any administrative idea, and kill it before it gets to the light of a public meeting. This might be the weakest presidential position in the country. Dreith doesn't even get consulted on hiring. Kilquist's departure is the only hope for any change at the college and he won't leave while he's getting positive headlines leading the fight against 6'9" students from St. Louis with 30-inch verical leaps. With Brewer, Kilquist and Rendleman at the controls, JALC is one sick puppy.

    1. Agreed. He came in full of energy and enthusiasm, now seem defeated. If Brewer thinks getting rid of Dreith will pave the way for his sons presidency then father and son are both more deluded then anyone suspected.

  3. Bill Kilquist is a pasty for the Chicago Machine! That's why he is running for State rep. The only part of the state of Illinois that Mike Madigan doesn't control is Southern Illinois. Why do you think Madigan has people like Bill Kilquist and John Bradley on his payroll? Madigan wants it all.

  4. Poster Boy Kilquist made the headlines again today officially announcing his run for state rep. Wow this man craves attention more then anyone I have ever known. On the LOgan side he stirs up trouble with everyone involved at the school and most recently with the athletic department. Les Winkler, sports editor of the Southern Illinoisan told the story well this morning...How stupid and non practical proposal of setting allotments to include in district scholarships for athletes...Nice to see someone in the sports field tell the ex sheriff he is full of crap in a nice way and with facts!
    Kilquist claims he will refuse state legislature pension if elected...he alreaady has a pension...another "mirror" promise by Kilquist. I will be so happy when he gets his butt off the Logan board which we are calling for IMMEDIATE resignation and the appointment of SNIDER back onto the board!
    Bill you have always claimed to want to help the citizens and students in Southern Illinois- do it now by GETTING OFF THE BOARD IMMEDIATELY and quit stirring up crap in the "friendly" confines of John Logan College!

    1. Do you really think he is going to quit?? He is one of the most unethical people I have ever met! Being a former employee of his, I know how terrible it is working for him. I felt sorry for the JOHN A LOGAN security people who worked for him. I know from someone who works at John A that those people couldn't stand the guy! But of course, he uses his intimidation tactics to keep people quiet! he always has to be in power somewhere. I can tell you I am not afraid of him. I will tell anyone who wants to hear the truth what the truth is about him!

  5. Rendleman,Kilquist,Brewer-- that is only three votes --The key is the sensible board members- Graeff, Hancock, Hopkins and Sanders who ALWAYS try to vote in the best interest of the college and students--No personal agendas as the other 3 !

  6. Just wondering if Madigan came down and stood shoulder to shoulder with his new bought and paid for buddy???!!!!

  7. Prior to Tuesdays board meeting with the egotistical Kilquist bringing up quotas for athletic scholarships for in district athletes; I must point out vital facts about our other Jr. College basketball teams in Southern Illinois and their out of district players!
    Shawnee- 2 in district players out of 16, Rend Lake 1 in district player out of 12 players, Southeastern- 0 in district players on a 15 man roster and Logan has 3 in district players out of 12... Whats the fuss Poster Boy.. Want to downgrade this athletic program prior to your SOON TO BE HOPEFULLY RESIGNATION FROM THE JALC BOARD!

  8. He would like to downgrade the program prior to a possible nearing departure. Time is running out for him to carry out his & Brewer's vindictive desires against athletics. Heaven forbid Brewer carry them out himself, but he always has someone else do the dirty work, thus never exposing himself. They are both mad at athletics and are making efforts to show everyone "who is boss" and get Kilquist a little publicity along the way.

  9. Poster "Lap Dog" Kilquist again draws attention to himself last night at the JALC board of trustees meeting by recommending 33% of all athletic scholarships to be given to in district athletes. His reasoning behind this is to be fair to local students in our district and he further stated he likes what he heres from the athletic committee but would like the board to be more proactive.
    Athletic Committee consists of leader Don Brewer who is behind all this nonsense and Mike Hopkins, former athlete at JALC. Brewer was finally confronted publicly on this topic and was quoted as the topic would be very controversial and believes the subject matter needs to be brought up to the entire GRAC conference to make sure the level of the playing field is equal to Logans if the decision is made based on SHERIFF Bills motion.He personally stated he doesn't know how he feels about it...but we all know that isn't anything but Brewer B.S. He probably initiated all of this and Kilquist is the Lap Dog for him.
    Micro managing board members need removed! Let the President do his job-- board takes their recommendations to the President who in return speaks with the athletic director on their concerns and then they make the final decision..That is what a BOARD is about...not running the college. In return if the total board does not agree on their final actions...FIRE THE INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED! Four of JLC board is serving for the right reasons...3 are micro managing idiots...LOL...
    Speaking of idiots...Kilquist tried to compare the great results of in district recruiting with a 2010 softball team that went to the National Tourney. Where did tht team finish in the GRAC that year. One pitcher can throw all the games in softball and a team can get hot over a small tourney and win.. Where has that local effort in softball been recently? always behind Lakeland and Wabash who recruit heavily out of district players!
    Another poor example given by Kilqist in attempting to get his NAME out there and his vendetta against athletics. Let the coaches and Athletic Director do their jobs..They know where the players are in the area and have been trying to get the better players to Logan for years.. 5 foot 8 Johnny cannot compete at this level just because he scored 35 points a game against Zeigler Royalton, etc...
    The 4 board members have common sense...they are not publicity hounds like Kilquist. This should never been in PUBLIC EYE!

  10. Why......are you afraid...... of this......being in the "public eye"? you......not want see..... or know? If it should have no fear.


  12. Statement above didn't get across to Anonymous 11-27 at 12;10 pm very well..Micro managing has to stop and let the employees and administration do their jobs. This entire episode of scholarships allotment or quotas on the athletic department should have been done internally and not through a board member in the press. No one is afraid of the topic being public IF IT HAD BEEN DISCUSSED INTERNALLY FIRST at the results did not measure up to the ENTIRE BOARDS liking. Why take your personal feelings to the press? Instead of taking a negative approach to everything I personally feel you need to take a more positive approach toward trying to improve the situation by doing it internally first.
    This is nothing but a typical Kilquist request for publicity and a vendetta against the athletic dept. shared by another board member. Why not put your emphasis on recruiting STUDENTS and put the heat on those whose jobs rely on admission of in district students instead of just ATHLETICS. The $ flows with admissions overall; not just athletics.

    1. I am so happy that people do see right through Kilquist. I have worked for him in the past and he is nothing but a typical politician who strives on media attention. He also has a EGO a mile high!

    2. So did Gov. Blago. Notice any similarities?

  13. not enough people saw through Kilquist...he won an election on alot of votes

  14. Right, that's an important point. Not enough people saw the vindictiveness, the pettiness, the personal agendas and vendettas, because no one talks about it out of fear of retribution. Same with Brewer. Privately, everyone has a story. Publically, the sheep say (and vote) the party line. Wish taxpayers understood that unethical behavior costs everyone.

    1. I am glad someone else sees the vindictiveness of Kilquist. I wish every voter could work for him for a few months! Then they would see!!!!!!!!

  15. Mike Vanhorn and Williams brought up all the vindictiveness in the last campaign and it didn't knock out Kilquist. The general public just doesn't pay attention to local elections..sad but true.

  16. The general public does care if a candidate running for a Statewide office is unethical, intimidating, and has self gaining personal vendetta's .... if they knew! The Southern Illinoisan might not print it, but Kilquist is fiercely using these same tactics right now in his campaign against Tony Mayfield, and "factual" retaliation against Kilquist in the media ... might be at this late date, the only way Mayfield can get the publics attention in this upcoming election. If not, and Kilquist / Madigan wins, this outcome will be devastating in every sector of Southern Illinois!

    1. It's Mayville - and your right!

  17. It must suck to be so obsessed with Bill. He's a really cool dude.
