Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Logan BOT ducks responsibilty

With 40 to 60 layoff notices on the way and students waking up to the reality of a potentially decimated college, the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees looked everywhere but in the mirror for a culpret on which to afix blame.  According to Channel 3, last night's board meeting brought out a newly assertive faculty union and tearful and frustrated students.  It did not bring out anymore self awareness on the part of the Board, as they blamed every other politician, past and present, from local reps to the governor, for the financial pickle they're in. 


  1. That's the same board that spent $3 million to buy a not working computer system for administration, and recently decided to spend another $1 million to pay the vendor to try to fix most annoying bugs in it (nobody expects that all the bugs will be ever fixed). The board presided over a scam to milk the State about $1.5 million for invented students taking invented classes. The scheme backfired and so JALC is now paying back the whole amount. And yet no Board member was ever forced to resign. While I fully expect that faculty and hard-working staff will be terminated an masse, I'm also confident that relatives of Board members past and present will continue their lucrative employments in their non-essential positions.
    Federal HUD commissars recently took over Cairo Housing Authority - perhaps it's time for state commissars to relive the JALC Board of their duties and take over.

  2. Follow the money . . . .
