Monday, July 31, 2017


You wouldn't know it from the news coverage, but the JALC Board of Trustees approved the recall of nearly all the remaining faculty, who had been laid off, despite tenure, in March 2016.  You had to catch it in the Marion Daily Republican to read about it (or dig down in the Board Agenda to item XII.A.2.b.(2)); apparently the Southern Illinoisan has lost interest in the Board meetings.  We say "nearly all" because JALC still can't seem to take into account that these are people they are affecting.  Three instructors were called back, but Jane Beyler, a psychology professor, was not.  How would you like to be the one left out in the cold?

The good news is that David Cochran, Nikki Borrenpohl and Cheryl Barrall are being called back to teach in the departments of History, English and Education, respectively.  This is a switch for Barrall, who had been teaching developmental English until the lay offs.  Cochran's return was advocated for, at a BOT meeting earlier this year, by revered and retired History professor Helen Nall. 

Again, it's good news...  no, it is great news that these three will be teaching this fall, and that they are getting some semblance of their lives back.  It's maddening that it took this long.  There has never been a rhyme or reason, that the public could see, as to how the decisions were made as to who was to be laid off, in the first place, and who was to be recalled, and in what order.  While, excepting Beyler, this appears to bring the matter to a close, it only brings the staff's lives back to a new order.  Not all laid off staff were recalled.  Some retired rather than fight the year and a half battle.  Some lost out contractually.  Some were laid off immediately prior to their tenure being finalized.  Some, in frustration, left the teaching profession forever.  None will view tenure as a guarantee of security anymore.  Issues are still outstanding.  So are lawsuits.  If the layoffs were unjustified, for the reasons stated, will back pay be in order?  With interest?  What about retirement/pensions?  Where does one stand with seniority, service years etc.?  And what of Ms. Beyler? 

Faculty are returning to a changed college.  Their former departments no longer exist.  Their former chairs have been overthrown.  Their physical work spaces have probably been moved. 

But, this is a leap forward in the right direction.  There are still more steps to go. 

1 comment:

  1. P. A6, 11 August, 2017, Southern Illinoisan quote: "The holy grail of community colleges are credit hours" Then, why in the world did they cut faculty and sections that generate headcount?
