While we at Muddy Williamson disagree with many of our president's recent actions, we heartily applaud Obama's decision to launch three judicial nominees at the Senate (dubbed "the nuclear option"). He said the ridiculous actions of Senate Repubs in postponing judicial appointments has moved far beyond "principled opposition and into political obstructionism."
How is this related to the JALC board? Easy. The recent decision to postpone discussion of the Strategic Plan until the June 25 meeting. Delay, delay, delay till no one is looking, then dismantle it, discarding the parts some members of the board will find disagreeable, specifically the ones dealing with hiring and promotion, and other ethical issues, and/or designed to improve morale by increasing participation.
Patient readers may have read the plan, or waded through graph after graph of survey results. In a nutshell, for the less-patient, here are some of the more striking findings:
· Asked to rate JALC's effectivenesss in the area of "fair & ethical hiring practices," 54% of full-time faculty and department chairs, 59% of full-time staff, and 63% of non-teaching professionals rated the college "ineffective" or "very ineffective."
· Asked to respond to the statement "I am a part of the decision-making process at JALC," only 20% of the full-time faculty, 29% of the non-teaching professional staff, and 9% of the staff selected "agree" or "strongly agree." NINE percent.
· Specifically addressing problems with the board itself, in response to the statement "the BOT displays behavior that reflects integrity and is ethical and honest," the survey results are displayed along with results from 2005 and 2009 (when the accreditation report itself reflected concerns about morale and required a rare follow-up visit). In 2012 66% of faculty, 67% of non-teaching professionals, and 74% of the staff responded with "neutral" (fear of recrimination) or "disagree/strongly disagree." These results were consistent with the 2005 results.
So, to Ms. Hancock (who deserves HUGE recognition for her role in eliminating the buyout clause from Dreith's contract at the April meeting), Mr. Sanders, Mr. Hopkins & Ms. Graff, time to stand up to shadowy back-room dealing, time to bring board actions out into the sunshine, time to exercise your nuclear option.
At the June 25 meeting, move immediately to adopt the entire Strategic Plan. It is comprehensive. Brewer or Kilquist will probably try to require that each individual part get separate board approval. This will only allow the board members bent on protecting their own turf and/or offspring to defeat those programs they don't like. Make those board members state, in open session, WHY they want to dismantle the plan.
The Strategic Plan can function as effectively as the strategic financial plan, which has protected most College operations despite the state funding crisis. But only if it is adopted in its entirety.
Go nuclear.