Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kudos to the new board

Looks like some interesting things happened at the JALC board meeting last night according to today's Southern Illinoisan.  First Kilquist tried to postpone the vote on eliminating the clause in President Drieth's contract that would have allowed the board to get rid of him without cause at any time with a six-month buyout.  Then Brewer asked to have it discussed in executive session.  Jackie Hancock reminded them of the motion on the floor and the vote was taken with Brewer and Kilquist voting no and Rendleman voting yes "with some reservations."

So what does this mean?  First, the shenanigans of the past didn't work – postponing votes until Attorney Huffman weighs in and trying to move public agenda items to executive session where Brewer can operate in secret.  Second, Hancock, Sanders, and Hopkins all spoke up as they understood the original intent of the clause in Dreith's contract.  Third, Rendleman was ….just being Rendleman.  He saw the way the votes were going and tried to play it both ways.  Fourth, this vote highlights why the elimination of O'Keefe was so important.   And finally, it makes the Board accountable both fiscally and ethically.  Yes, there may be times when a president should be removed but ONLY with cause and due process.  Some board members can't just use taxpayer money for buyouts as a way to advance their personal agendas as we've seen in the past.

As board member Sanders said, this was a "prudent" decision and hopefully revealing of some new dynamics among the board members.  And kudos to reporter Stephen Rickerl for his excellent coverage on this!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's All About the Votes!

Twas the night before the Board meeting

and all through the College,

the rats were still scrambling

not looking for knowledge.


That light that now shines

on their plots of the past

continues to show

the problems are vast.


We hope to our wondering

ears we might hear,

the voices of others

no longer in fear.


More rapid than eagles

this blog got some fame

and whistled and shouted

and called out the names.


Too bad for the threesome

O'Keefe is now gone.

It's time for the others

to right all the wrongs.


On Hancock! On Sanders! On Hopkins! On Graff!

Just your four votes now make more than half.

And we hope you use them wisely.



Agenda items for April 29

An alert reader has pointed out that the Board item to discuss individual volunteers seems to have been taken off the April 29 agenda.  However, as the commenter also pointed out, two other items of interest are up for discussion:


·         Destruction of verbatim recordings of closed sessions and


·         Adjustment of the President’s contract


Also, the Board will consider a recommendation that the minutes of certain closed sessions be made available for public inspection.  The Board legal counsel will recommend specific dates to be made available. 


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Will the Board be going after some volunteers?

A reply on April 22 to an older post has raised some interesting questions.  Here's a repost of that 4/22 reply and the policy it refers to so blog readers (now over 10,000 hits!) don't have to go searching for it in the comments to older posts.

Here's the comment:

Policy #5610 which was discussed in January and passed by the board in February gives the board of trustees the power of acceptance or non acceptance of all volunteers at the college. All departments including the athletic department had to submit a list of all volunteers for the board to act on. This action should be discussed at the April 29th board meeting. There are several people who volunteer their time without any compensation at all for the school in alot of departments. Wonder what dept. will come under fire the most due to this new policy? Can anyone get that policy on this blog so we can all read it and understand it prior to board action. It is an old policy which really was not enforced but when volunteers had to sign papers prior to this next board meeting it looks like the board will act on individuals on the 29th. Isn't that when new board members take office? Quite interesting to the entire staff and faculty.

And here's the policy – interesting that it looks like it was just adopted in February as the campaigning was in full swing!  Wonder who the target is?

Volunteer Staff 5610

John A. Logan College is authorized to recruit and utilize people who desire to provide voluntary service to College departments, programs, and activities. The executive director of human resources shall be responsible for administering the volunteer staff employment program. Volunteers shall be approved individually by the Board of Trustees. Volunteer staff shall receive no remuneration. However, with prior approval from the area vice-president, a volunteer staff member may receive reimbursement for authorized meal expenses, mileage expenses, and overnight accommodations in accordance with College policy.

Adopted: February 26, 2013

Wonder if the Illinois Community College Trustees Association lists this as a duty of Board members?  Brewer, Rendleman, and Kilquist must stay up late plotting new ways to micromanage and retaliate (and reading this blog, of course!)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Don Brewer Calling

It goes something like this.  The phone rings and it's Don Brewer.  He may ask how you are doing, but quickly will tell you he's not happy with something you've recently done.  And then he says, "Don't forget how you got your job in the first place."

Has this happened to you or someone you know?   

We're guessing that some of you reading this have had personal experience with a call from the Don.  If you'd like, all you have to do is enter "yes" in the comment field, select profile as "anonymous," type in the numbers and the letters you see to prove you're not a robot, and then post.  You can even preview before submitting.  

And if you don't want to respond, that's ok too.  It's understandable to be a bit paranoid when the master of intimidation has your phone number.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How does it not bother them?

Mr VanHorn said something during the campaign about how the board members who sneaked their sons in as parttime hires then promoted them way past their paygrade were actually not doing those sons any favors.
I wonder how those men see themselves? Does it really never occur to them that they couldn't compete in the real marketplace, just on their own skills? ARe they just so comfortable, or confident, or is it that they just don't care and as long as the big ol paychecks roll in, they have no problem knowing that they've never been in a fair competition and may not even deserve all that money?
I wonder... Self esteem comes from knowing that you succeeded on your own talents and merits, and those men can never know whether thats true, as long as they stay under daddy's umbrella. Kinda sad. For them, and for the college.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Logan Board Election Wrapup

Although some might view the results as only a partial victory for those advocating change on the JALC board, there is definitely more positive than negative with the election of Cheryl Graff and Bill Kilquist.


First, Graff won by a substantial margin – 1,200 votes.  Whether is was ballot position, the only female candidate, or a strong grass roots campaign coupled with Jackson County Democrat support, she proved her electability.  This is particularly important when many Jackson County Democrats including Kilquist and Brewer were actively working against Graff in this election.


Granted, Kilquist still has name recognition and Democratic support in the College district.  There are also, unfortunately, still those who either ignored his obvious ethical lapses as a board member and later as an employee of the college, or simply weren't aware of them. But now he will be back in the public eye, he's not the sheriff anymore, and he will be exposed and held accountable for a change!


Second, John O'Keefe was soundly defeated.  Voters were fed up enough to not buy the Williamson County descriptions of "he's such a good guy" and instead saw him as a blatant example of nepotism at work at the college.  O'Keefe perhaps wasn't as blunt and intimidating as a Brewer, Rendleman, or Kilquist, but equally influential and ultimately destructive to the College.


Third, the willingness of Mike Vanhorn and Herb Russell to open themselves to public scrutiny to highlight the problems of the JALC board emboldens others and made this election about real choices.  There will be attempts at retaliation and intimidation by Brewer and crew, but Graff, Hancock, Hopkins, and Sanders MUST call it what it is and respond forcefully and with transparency. 

Fourth, the calling out of Brewer, Rendleman and Kilquist reported on this blog is only the beginning.  In the next election, there will be no need to go back and recount the past egregious actions – they will continue to be documented here and in other public arenas.  It will be interesting (and probably even amusing at times) to see the scrambling that will be taking place by these three. 

Rendleman committed a grave error in judgment with his ad and Kilquist is already too full of swagger to not mess up.  Wednesday's Southern quotes him as saying it's been a long campaign and he looks forward to taking a little time to take it all in.  He has no idea how long the next six years are going to be as his actions on the board will be scrutinized. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thanks for taking a stand!

We at Muddy Williamson would like to thank all those who stopped by this blog since late February, to read, to make comments and to give suggestions.  This is what democracy is about:  freedom of expression and elections. 

We'll be analyzing what comes next for the community after last night's election, in the next couple of days and we do intend to keep this blog up and running.  We live in interesting times and they may become more so.  But tonight, let's look at a couple of candidates who have never been on the Board and did not win last night:  Russell Williams and Mike Vanhorn.  Some of us here had never heard of either of them before the campaign got under way.  To our delight, each of them found this blog and left several comments. 

Mike Vanhorn framed this campaign.  He single handedly placed the issue of nepotism center stage in the election.  His emails, his performance at the candidate forum and his quotes in the Southern Illinoisan were all focused on this issue.  All the other candidates were forced to speak about hiring practices, transparency (or lack there of) and nepotism.  Surely this was not what they anticipated when they entered the race.  However, even if he did not win a seat, Vanhorn will have a legacy on the Board.  That legacy is the public consciousness of Logan Board hiring practices and past inclination to operate in the dark.  At the candidate forum, Vanhorn said voters should pick any two of four:  Graff, Snider, Williams or Vanhorn.  Too many decent people may have been his downfall.  We could only elect two.  We're glad he ran anyway.  Thank you Mike Vanhorn!

Some of us were skeptical of Russell Williams at the beginning of the race, doubtful he'd grasped the issues or was tough enough.  He won us all over.  Whether by inclination or keen political instincts, he picked up on the themes Vanhorn had also expressed and made a campaign of it.  He was articulate, poised and showed he could express a sense of outrage.    He also was a victim of musical chairs:  too few seats for too many candidates.  Our thanks to Russell Williams as well, for giving folks someone to vote for, rather than the lesser of evils. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Final results

Cheryl Graff and Bill Kilquist each return to the John A. Logan Board of Trustees.  Each has served in the past but neither were currently on the Board.  The two incumbents running, Jim Snider and John O'Keefe, each were defeated. 

We'll have more to say about the election, the results and the future, here at Muddy Williamson as the week progresses. For now, congratulations to the winners and 'Good night!'.

  votes % of vote
Cheryl Graff 6666 25%
Chuck Hamilton 1848 7%
BillKilquist 5147 19%
John O'Keefe 3937 15%
Jim Snider 4130 15%
Mike Vanhorn 2617 10%
Russell Williams 2806 10%
total votes counted 27151 100%

Williamson County is in

  votes % of vote
Cheryl Graff 6245 24%
Chuck Hamilton 1767 7%
BillKilquist 4749 18%
John O'Keefe 3815 15%
Jim Snider 4014 16%
Mike Vanhorn 2502 10%
Russell Williams 2671 10%
total votes counted 25763  
% counted 98%  

Cheryl Graff elected

Cheryl Graff has won a seat on the Board.  There is approximately 4% of the vote outstanding, but she has an insurmountable lead. 

Bill Kilquist looks to be the other winner tonight.  Jim Snider could still theoretically catch him but would need to capture nearly all the uncounted votes in Jackson and Williamson counties. 
Looks like counting is slowing down.  Results look fairly certain though. 

  votes % of vote
Cheryl Graff 6133 24%
Chuck Hamilton 1719 7%
BillKilquist 4691 19%
John O'Keefe 3752 15%
Jim Snider 3926 16%
Mike Vanhorn 2417 10%
Russell Williams 2623 10%
total votes counted 25261
% counted 96%
  votes % of vote
Cheryl Graff 6133 24%
Chuck Hamilton 1719 7%
BillKilquist 4691 19%
John O'Keefe 3752 15%
Jim Snider 3926 16%
Mike Vanhorn 2417 10%
Russell Williams 2623 10%
total votes counted 25261 100%


Will attempt some live blog here.  Unofficial vote totals coming in.  Stay tuned.

  votes % of vote
Cheryl Graff 3964 22%
Chuck Hamilton 1198 7%
BillKilquist 3076 17%
John O'Keefe 3044 17%
Jim Snider 3191 17%
Mike Vanhorn 1875 10%
Russell Williams 1921 11%
total votes counted 18269 78%

Today's the day!!

GET OUT AND VOTE!!  To find your voter registration information, polling place etc., go to http://www.elections.il.gov/votinginformation/registrationlookup.aspx .

Monday, April 8, 2013

Don Brewer “I am Lord Voldemort!”

Although this election is serious business, we thought we'd take some poetic license in this post and have some fun Harry Potter style.  Just think of Don Brewer as Lord Voldemort with a supporting cast of Death Eaters in Jake Rendleman, John O'Keefe, and Bill Kilquist! The current Board of Trustees is not all bad and certainly they are not all Death Eaters. Mike Hopkins, John Sanders, Jackie Hancock, and Jim Snider are decent people. However, they often cower and defer to the ranting and bullying of Don Brewer and Jake Rendleman.

When the Brew Club meets in secret to plan for taking over John A. Logan College, it is not that much different from Lord Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy, Yaxley, Wormtail, Bellatrix, Greyback, and Snape, meeting in secret to take over the Ministry and Hogwarts.  Don Brewer has worked his magic over the last 40 years on the John A. Logan College Board and used the imperious curse, the crucio curse, and other evil curses to hire his son and John O'Keefe's son.  And he has his legion of Deatheaters to help him in Kilquist, Rendleman, and O'Keefe.

So, what has "He who must not be named" and his faithful Death Eaters done that is so destructive to be compared with witchcraft and scorcery? First, they intimidate anyone who dares to question their authority to interfere in hiring decisions at John A. Logan College. Second, they work in the shadows and in the darkness, although they aren't known to wear hoods. Third, over the years, He Who Must Not Be Named and his faithful death eaters have come to believe that John A. Logan College is theirs to do with as they please, to hire as they please, and to force out anyone who challenges them.

If they succeed in this election, the battle must continue and the light of truth and transparency must be shone on the board in every future decision.  The efforts of Mike Van Horn, Herb Russell in The Southern article, and the contributors to this blog can't be put on hold until the next election.  Get out the vote on Tuesday and change the direction of the JALC board.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Rendleman doth protest too much, methinks!

Finally.  One of the main players in every questionable action the JALC board has taken is speaking out as evidenced by the large ad in The Southern Illinoisan today.  He just couldn't keep quiet as his buddies are being outed.  Of course, he now is outing himself.  But we knew all along his hand was in this. 


We find it interesting that he did this on his own without the endorsement of any other board members.  We hope it means that those who have been silent for too long (Hancock, Sanders, Hopkins, and Snider) are finally going to help put an end to "business as usual."  

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Brew Club – Pinch Penny Pub – Wednesdays and Fridays!

The Brew Club is yet another reason why there is need for serious change on the John A. Logan College Board!  The Brew Club meets on Wednesday and Friday afternoons at Pinch Penny Pub in Carbondale, Illinois, and has done so for many years.  The Brew Club meets in secret and away from the regularly scheduled Logan board meetings (not subject to the open meetings act and with no public record).  The Brew Club regularly discusses Logan hiring and policy decisions, but without public scrutiny and without any input from the people who actually work at John A. Logan College!

Given that Don Brewer has been on the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees for almost 40 years it is hard to pinpoint the exact date when the Brew Club started meeting.   However, we first learned of the Brew Club about 10 years ago when they were meeting to conspire and plot out a way to manipulate a faculty hire that was not going their way. The Brew Club regularly conspires to put in the "Fix" for operational staff hires and nonteaching professional hires at Logan. (Then the "Fix" is implemented at regularly scheduled Board meetings)  But, the Brew Club also meets to determine the methods and means of intimidation to make sure that the Godfather's rules are maintained and obeyed.

The members of the Brew Club include: Don Brewer(currently on the Logan Board), Clay Brewer(Logan's Human Resource Officer), Larry Peterson(former Logan Vice President), Jake Rendleman(current Board member), Bill Kilquist(former Board member, former security officer, and currently a candidate for the Board),  John Huffman (the Logan college attorney), and John O'Keefe(current Logan Board member).  There are others who stop in from time to time, but the main characters are Don Brewer and Clay Brewer.  And it is safe to say that this club is up to no good for John A. Logan College!

The Brew Club is yet another example of public officials acting against the public interest.  This is why it is so important that on Tuesday, April 9 that Cheryl Graff, Jim Snider, Mike Vanhorn or Russ Williams are elected to the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees! 

If you want to strike a blow against  poor governance, incompetence and secrecy, whatever you do, do not vote for Bill Killquist, John O'Keefe, or Chuck Hamilton!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kilquist Off-Kilter? His Big and Little Questionable Actions

I work at JALC.  I witnessed Bill Kilquist maintain his trustee position until after his hiring.  I witnessed his continued employment at the college for months after he announced his candidacy for the board.  These blatant public actions have been thoroughly reported here and in local newspapers.


He also seems to make questionable decisions about little things.  Let me explain. One of the things most JALC employees enjoy is the ability to use a "Community" function on the college email to post such things as items for sale, yard sale notices, requests for a good plumber or painter, or other personal, non-college related items.   Employees must opt in to receive such emails and those who do like the sense of community this creates.  For "official" college announcements, the "Announce" function is used.  Bill Kilquist frequently and consistently used the "Announce" function to send very personal, often lengthy emails (including announcing his resignation in January) to everyone at the college,  This occurred on numerous occasions and I must fault his supervisors for not stopping it as would have happened to anyone else.


Two other examples – his campaign signs say "re-elect" although he is not a current board member.  Note that Cheryl Graff also previously served on the board and does not use re-elect on her signs.  And at least one of his signs has the Logan logo on it – use of this logo is covered in board policy (something he should know) or at least his cronies John and Steve O'Keefe should have advised him on.  After all, this is part of Steve's job in college relations to be the "logo cop."


These actions not only point to errors in judgment and questionable ethics but a pattern of arrogance.  Does Kilquist really think he's untouchable?  I certainly hope the votes on April 9 show otherwise!



Right On, SIU Retiree!

An Alton legislator says it's time to clean house & replace entire SIU BOT--we hear ya... Was really impressed by this reply to the aritcle on the southern site:
"The practices of cronyism and corruption have been a part of the SIU Board of Trustees and the Logan board for decades. Two of the SIU board members removed by Gov. Quinn in February (John Simmons and Ed Hightower), along with current member Marquita Wiley, allowed Roger Tedrick, then board chairman, to sell required liability insurance in at least 33 cases to companies who had won building and service contracts with SIU. Just imagine the outcry if the board chairman at the University of Illinois had sold insurance to companies approved by the board and its chairman? Somehow, in little, backwater southern Illinois this stink doesn't stick. No "thumbs down" from even the "Southern Illinoisan." Wiley even wrote a new, convoluted policy that the board approved so that Tedrick could remain as chairman and simply "recuse" himself from voting on future contracts while he continued to sell insurance to SIU contractors. Slick Wiley!

SIU President Glenn Poshard is behind all of this. The relationships are way too convoluted to recount in this tiny space. Roger Herrin is right: Poshard knows how to create legislative and media attention elsewhere, away from himself. But we've now all seen Poshard's anger, the ego, the manipulations. One of the reasons he is fronting off the governor and the chaotic Illinois economy is so that he can say, by inference, "Hey, don't blame me for the tank that SIUC has fallen into." But we do, Mr. Poshard, we surely do.

So yes, yes, replace every last soul on this miserable board, because even the better ones are now damaged beyond credibility. Start fresh with SIUC and SIUE and independent knowledgeable people. This whole situation, including Quinn and Poshard, is an unbearable, hideous joke that continues to greatly damage what is left of the good standing that SIUC used to have in the region and the state.

Laraine Wright, SIUC retiree"

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spread the word

If you're coming to this blog, you have an interest in this race. Please remind your friends, families, and co=workers to vote, and let them know who you think would be the board members who could begin to change the climate of cronyism at John Logan.

You can vote for two (but you don't have to). Graff is top of the ticket and the only female, if that's important to you. You've read enough here about the way Okeefe votes with Brewer, and the shameless way hes hired and promoted his son, and also that Brewers daughter=in-law works for Hamilton. 

vote for change, but more importantly, even if your community doesn't have a mayor or school board election, remind others to vote. 

Early voting is going on now, and the election is less that a week away. Call, e-mail, post, tweet, or send smoke signals to get people out and help make this community asset even better by making it more ethical!!