Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Brew Club – Pinch Penny Pub – Wednesdays and Fridays!

The Brew Club is yet another reason why there is need for serious change on the John A. Logan College Board!  The Brew Club meets on Wednesday and Friday afternoons at Pinch Penny Pub in Carbondale, Illinois, and has done so for many years.  The Brew Club meets in secret and away from the regularly scheduled Logan board meetings (not subject to the open meetings act and with no public record).  The Brew Club regularly discusses Logan hiring and policy decisions, but without public scrutiny and without any input from the people who actually work at John A. Logan College!

Given that Don Brewer has been on the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees for almost 40 years it is hard to pinpoint the exact date when the Brew Club started meeting.   However, we first learned of the Brew Club about 10 years ago when they were meeting to conspire and plot out a way to manipulate a faculty hire that was not going their way. The Brew Club regularly conspires to put in the "Fix" for operational staff hires and nonteaching professional hires at Logan. (Then the "Fix" is implemented at regularly scheduled Board meetings)  But, the Brew Club also meets to determine the methods and means of intimidation to make sure that the Godfather's rules are maintained and obeyed.

The members of the Brew Club include: Don Brewer(currently on the Logan Board), Clay Brewer(Logan's Human Resource Officer), Larry Peterson(former Logan Vice President), Jake Rendleman(current Board member), Bill Kilquist(former Board member, former security officer, and currently a candidate for the Board),  John Huffman (the Logan college attorney), and John O'Keefe(current Logan Board member).  There are others who stop in from time to time, but the main characters are Don Brewer and Clay Brewer.  And it is safe to say that this club is up to no good for John A. Logan College!

The Brew Club is yet another example of public officials acting against the public interest.  This is why it is so important that on Tuesday, April 9 that Cheryl Graff, Jim Snider, Mike Vanhorn or Russ Williams are elected to the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees! 

If you want to strike a blow against  poor governance, incompetence and secrecy, whatever you do, do not vote for Bill Killquist, John O'Keefe, or Chuck Hamilton!



  1. I don't know anything about a brew club, but am willing to believe it based on my knowledge of at least one hire at the college that must have been fixed in advance.

    Interestingly, O'Keefe and now Rendleman (see today's SI) claim hiring is all above board. Just last year, the number one choice of the hiring committee for a job at the college was passed over for a good ole boy hire. Mrs. McBride was the better qualified candidate. She was the one chosen by the hiring committee. However, word is the board went down the list to about the 6th preferred person (Mr. Yusko) to get their guy.

    Then something interesting happened. Mrs. McBride fought back and threatened a lawsuit on inappropriate hires. She now holds that job that the good ole boy network tried to deny to her.

    So, boys - if you are going to make claims at least make them believable. This begs the question: If you lied this time, what else are you lying about?

  2. Mr. Rendleman claims the board is innocent with hiring procedures in place. Nepotism is in place NOW but what about the hires prior to that being in place.
    Rendleman is not a saint at all. In 2001 a Logan Foundation job was open and interviews were done by a committee headed by Greg Legan (former director of Foundation)
    An outstanding female with excellent credentials was recommended by Mr. Legan and she should have been hired by the board. OOPS..SORRY PEOPLE but it was Mr. Rendlemans turn to get his hire in and the board hired Mr. Rendlemans best friend for the position who was a car salesman for Vogler Ford.
    After a few months in the position Mr. Rendlemans best friend was removed from the Foundation Job due to an inadequate performance and given a HALL MONITOR position and another person was hired who was more qualified and had applied for the position and interviewed previously.
    Tax PAYING money wasted; the hall monitor lasted 2 more years and expresses that Logan really helped his retirement fund.
    If Jake is going to be part of the denial then I guess the real truth has to come out on him. You think this is the only one Jake has a hand in? IT IS WHAT IT IS!

    1. Who is the hall monitor? I've seen this complaint on here before but am interested in having details for proof.

    2. Go to Pinch Penny Pub on Wednesday and/or Friday afternoons and the proof is in the pudding. They like to convene prior to the end of the work day so those who are still employed by the college are still on the tax payers dollar. Most of the time, they have left their office by 2:00on Friday.

  3. Gary Highland-Carbondale HS-former salesman for Vogler Ford-lives in Carbondale-Retired

  4. Guess this Brew Crew as you call it will be switching meeting places now. Poor Pinch Penney Anyone for Golf?

    1. We should all go there this week! Just to see!!
