Monday, April 8, 2013

Don Brewer “I am Lord Voldemort!”

Although this election is serious business, we thought we'd take some poetic license in this post and have some fun Harry Potter style.  Just think of Don Brewer as Lord Voldemort with a supporting cast of Death Eaters in Jake Rendleman, John O'Keefe, and Bill Kilquist! The current Board of Trustees is not all bad and certainly they are not all Death Eaters. Mike Hopkins, John Sanders, Jackie Hancock, and Jim Snider are decent people. However, they often cower and defer to the ranting and bullying of Don Brewer and Jake Rendleman.

When the Brew Club meets in secret to plan for taking over John A. Logan College, it is not that much different from Lord Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy, Yaxley, Wormtail, Bellatrix, Greyback, and Snape, meeting in secret to take over the Ministry and Hogwarts.  Don Brewer has worked his magic over the last 40 years on the John A. Logan College Board and used the imperious curse, the crucio curse, and other evil curses to hire his son and John O'Keefe's son.  And he has his legion of Deatheaters to help him in Kilquist, Rendleman, and O'Keefe.

So, what has "He who must not be named" and his faithful Death Eaters done that is so destructive to be compared with witchcraft and scorcery? First, they intimidate anyone who dares to question their authority to interfere in hiring decisions at John A. Logan College. Second, they work in the shadows and in the darkness, although they aren't known to wear hoods. Third, over the years, He Who Must Not Be Named and his faithful death eaters have come to believe that John A. Logan College is theirs to do with as they please, to hire as they please, and to force out anyone who challenges them.

If they succeed in this election, the battle must continue and the light of truth and transparency must be shone on the board in every future decision.  The efforts of Mike Van Horn, Herb Russell in The Southern article, and the contributors to this blog can't be put on hold until the next election.  Get out the vote on Tuesday and change the direction of the JALC board.



  1. Two quotes to consider for those who do not have a grasp of the facts (i.e., most of you):

    “There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.”
    ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Collected Works

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." "This is my 9th commandment." --- GOD!

  3. hey--is that Don Brewer writing on the blog?
