Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Longtime JALC Board member, and chair, Don Brewer took the occasion of his last Board meeting to defend the Board's actions last year regarding faculty and staff layoffs, criticized attendees who may have given a little too much truth to the Higher Learning Commission visit team and claimed that enrollment is hunky dory. 

Newly elected members Becky Borgsmiller and Mandy Little were seated and temporary presiding officer Ron House called on Glenn Poshard to report on the nominating committee.  Apparently, the outgoing Board does the nominating and the new one votes.  Seems like the new Board, including the new members, would nominate officers, but...  The nominees, for chair, were Ray Hancock and Bill Kilquist.  It quickly became clear what the new voting blocs will be.  Voting for Hancock were Hancock, Borgsmiller and Little.  Electing Bill Kilquist were Rendleman, Kilquist, Poshard and Graff.  The news of the night was that Graff and Poshard have clearly thrown their lot in with the Old Guard. 

This became apparent during the regular meeting, that followed the organizational meeting, when Borgsmiller questioned the way so much business is conducted in small committees, away from the public eye.  Poshard didn't see the lack of transparency as an issue. 

The change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that's all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war...
...Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
© Spirit Music Group


  1. Perhaps you should take note of the comment you posted on election night regarding the two new JALC Board members, “We are hopeful that they will usher in a new era of transparency, integrity and good will at the College.” For some of us who study your muddy, cruddy, good ol’ misinforming buddy blog must cry foul to the misinformation you are presenting here as fact. But, before being too harsh, perhaps we should allow you to make amends. Please join in YOUR own hopes for transparency by reporting the truth so that those reading through the mud can at least take your editorial comments for what they are: editorial comments.
    “Apparently, the outgoing Board does the nominating and the new one votes. Seems like the new Board, including the new members, would nominate officers, but...”
    UH OH! Retraction time, Winston. The fact of the matter is that the NEWLY elected Becky Borgsmiller nominated Ray Hancock to be the next chair of the BOT (you know, the one whose son was appointed as a dean at the elder Dr. Hancock’s 2nd meeting as a BOT member - thereby at the very least symbolically reinforcing his commitment to a non-micromanagement agenda). Given your thirst for transparency and your hunger for integrity we are confident the aforementioned correction will be made clear on this blog.
    Thanks Winston! And please, stick with English, journalism doesn’t appear to be your strong suit.

    1. To my fellow anonymous reader,

      I would encourage you to check your facts. Glen Poshard presented the two candidate names who had been nominated for the position of chair Hancock and Kilquist. These nominations had been made prior to last nights meeting to the appointed committee. Each current sitting board member was provided the opportunity to verbally voice their vote. This verbal vote was done alphabetically which would make the newly seated Becky Borgsmiller first to cast her verbal vote. Borgsmiller's vote was not a nomination but a vote based on the slate presented. "The Old Guard" was able to maintain control of all officer positions due to current make up of the board as noted by Winston. I still believe the future is bright for John A. Logan College with the newly elected Board Members.

      I would like to commend your attempt at a Mic Drop moment but next time check the true facts and understand the process.
      UH OH! Maybe it's time for your retraction.

      You have many choices where to get your news and what news you can choose to believe. Muddy Williamson provides and alternative view from the propaganda fed from "The Old Guard" and their crafty writing staff.

      Let's get back to the basics and make JALC an institution that provides a strong, quality education. The politics that have played out in recent years must end. The voters spoke on April 4th and will have another opportunity to be heard in April 2019.

      Just sharing an alternative view with a few facts.

  2. ^^Anonymous, how would the public know who nominated whom for chair? It wasn't announced by either Dr. House or Dr. Poshard.

    If you think the blog is so "cruddy," then don't read it. Winston is far from alone in calling for transparency and integrity at the college. The difference, I think, is that Winston tells it like it is rather than how the administration and some bot members want people to think it is.

    I'm not sure about your English comment at the end, but you should feel encouraged to have someone help you proofread if you decide to post in the future.

  3. http://thesouthern.com/news/local/education/john-a-logan-college-bond-rating-downgraded-to-a/article_9f8d0a4e-d8fa-5216-b93a-69f4aa53c16a.html

    Follow the money . . . .

  4. State of Illinois has been downgraded 13 times. Logan doing a thousand times better than Raunerois!
