Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hiring is a Red Herring, Watch Closed Sessions

        During the accreditation review in 2005 (and a return visit in 2007), staff, NTPs and faculty made their views known about the unethical hiring practices of the BOT. In retaliation, the Board created and adopted a draconian hiring policy.  Anti-nepotism rules exist to prevent unfair hiring, promotion, and/or benefits such as salary increases. Faculty play only a minor role in the hiring process, and staff play no role at all, so preventing the college from hiring spouses or children—who would never supervise each other—is absurd.

                It is a strict policy, but as we've seen repeatedly, it is easily skirted, so as it applies to the board, it is meaningless.

                At this point, further talk about hiring and promotion is also meaningless. Clay Brewer has been granted unparalleled control of the entire process and nothing but further board action will change that—and who thinks THAT is likely to happen? Whether the college is hiring a dean or a maintenance worker, there are loopholes in the "policy" you can drive a truck through.

                The person who keeps trying to swing discussion on this blog to hiring, seeming to blame instructional administration for shady dealings in the current search for a dean of instruction, is trying to distract readers from the Next Big Thing, so no one will notice when discussion of the strategic plan takes place entirely within closed session.

                The strategic plan, approved repeatedly by the board during extensive planning and data collection stages, is tied directly to the college's continued accreditation. Without accreditation, the students don't get jobs, or transfer to universities. The "old guard" on the board seem more concerned with protecting their turf and willing to sacrifice accreditation to do so.

The current plan, compiled from mountains of data, is logical, global, and the components are interconnected. If all eyes are on the easily-manipulated hiring process, the strategic plan is likely to be dismantled in closed session, and therefore weakened, perhaps fatally.

It will be up to those board members who genuinely have the best interests of JALC at heart to protect its integrity by preserving it as ONE plan and voting to approve it, in open session.



  1. Dealing with items "so no one will notice" has taken place during the summer months for many years. This is certainly not a new strategy. Any wagers how long it will take for intellectual brilliance to respond with "hey idiots"

  2. Faculty and staff play a Minor role in the hiring process ? you have been drinking the kool-aid......intellectual live in fantasyland.....which faculty hire do you object to .....cant wait to hear.......and make it faculty know...where only the BofT has influence......take just one area...say Psychology.....tell how much you REALLY know about how they got their jobs......don't do Poly sci though......truth would shatter your world.........

    1. Does anyone care to guess the writer who makes excessive use of ellipses?

    2. Anonymous is tossing so many red herrings around, he must be looking for a job at Sea World! It's too bad he can't address the issues that truly impact the future of the college like accreditation.

  3. the one and only SHERIFF OF LOGAN

  4. while you all rant and rail aginst all the evils of the Logan world.....while you spend months talking about hiring is a "red Herring"...."Watch Closed Sessions" is now the I guesss you wont respond to earlier requests....and you wont,since Fac and Staff have so little to do with hiring, address the recent Dean ad or who wrote the ad and insisted it go out as it did, and you wont investigate the reason for this manipulation by the Fac and Staff.....though they have so little to do with this process.......why wont you look into this ? .....just answer that question then......guess your not going to look into the fac hires either.........guess you are not going to do anything.....and I am charged with not addressing any issues ? I stated have no Honor

    1. Is it possible for Anonymous 6:41 p.m. to write a complete sentence in English that is grammatically correct?

    2. My mistake, it should be 6:41 a.m. Please forgive me.
