Sunday, December 22, 2013

Coronation in the near future?

We're hearing that one of the out-of-district VPs is planning his/her retirement, leaving room for the ascension of … Clay Brewer to VP! Of what? Doesn't matter!!! C'mon, he's CLAY BREWER!!

His preparation has consisted of securing nearly unlimited power to the Personnel Office (all approved quietly by the BOT of course... if not instigated by them) , sending those essential reminder e-mails about changing the clocks for daylite saving time, and playing hundreds of rounds of golf.

Is it inevitable? Will there be some charade of a "search" or will he simply be anointed by Brewer Senior? Can those board members with convictions and ethics muster the will to challenge it? Will the public have anything to say about the way CB was hired, promoted, given enormously increased control over applications and hiring, and allowed to arrive mid-morning and leave mid-afternoon?

Stay tuned.


  1. C'mon! It's Christmas! Lay off the crap, at least until the beginning if the New Year. Show some peace and humanity. Merry Christmas to all.

  2. C'mon, it's Christmas! Lay off the crap until after this season. This just ain't the time to be hatin. Merry Christmas to ALL!

  3. Merry Xmas to all the bloggers and administrators of this website...That XMAS feeling is fantastic but one day of slippage about the BOT at Logan is a mistake..Good job of bringing this up during the holidays so people can respond during their vacations. My feelings toward the BOT does NOT change just because it is Christmas.. Hatin....I don't think anyone on this blog HATES anyone; they are just outspoiken individuals who knows things arent right with the present makeup of the 3 man monopoly of decisions. Clay didn't work for that PHD for nothing and sure Dad is going to pull it through with his political clout and hep from SANTA BREWER by his little lap ELVES at Logan... If and when this VP steps down the publics eye will be on this hire...Hopefully PRES DREITH and a selection committee NOT MADE UP OF ANY BOARD MEMBER screens the applications and recommends to the board of their potential hire...This eliminates all skepticism of SANTA Brewer pulling politics to give his son a belated XMAS gift of a Plush job. AGAIN, MERRY XMAS TO ALL...EVEN THE BREWER, KILQIST , AND RENDLEMAN elves...and a Happy New Year

  4. Lol, if it bothers you don't read it.

  5. Happy New Year to all MW bloggers,developers and of course to the JALC board of Trustees. May the New Year bring us all SENSIBLE decisions by the board of trustees which benefits the students,faculty and administration and tax payers rather then the Board of Trustees!

  6. Well 2014 has started out right for the Trustees taking care of their own....or their past cronies...The new dental center is named after O"keefe who was defeated in the last board election....Now we have taken care of Okeefe and Brewer...all we have to do now is find something to name after RENDLEMAN AND KILQUIST and the lap dogs are finished!

    1. How about the Kilquist Wing for the Department of Ethics!

  7. On page 53 of 2013 Audit, Board of Trustees expenditures were $518,805. Compare this to Library, $372,687.

  8. guess we know where those big TVS came from...Heck they can build monuments for Kilquist and Rendleman and Brewer to set right outside the entrance along with John Logan and the bells with that kind of money. Too much money directed in their behalf and too little money for administrative support in this budget...otherwords; Too Many CHIEFS, not enough Indians.

  9. I guess everyone is happy now since this blog has actually died down lately..NOthing to complain about because there has been no action at all by the BOT of Logan. Soon though, look for the end of Feb. decisions that are going to be discussed at the Feb board meeting.

  10. Let's see, the BOT has a full boat of committee meetings going on all month. That's where the action is. They will probably do something to exact revenge on the athletic staff by limiting their scholarships or making impossible to recruit an athlete unless they are from Herrin or Marion. The Don will come through for Representative Kilquist on that one. They might add another suite or two to the police department to further reward the former peeps of the Sheriff. But one thing is for sure. The decisions will be made behind closed doors---in committee meetings---most of which controlled by the Chairman, The Don or the State Rep. That's how we roll and nobody is going to change it. Not even Muddy Williamson.

  11. Why does the BOT have staff members on the Hiring committee, but not any other board committee? The Chairman put an ad in the SI back in the election saying the board embraced shared governance. Show us by putting some faculty and staff on the Athletic, Safety, Building committees. The committee which decides naming rooms and buildings only has two members, Brewer and Hopkins. That is why every two-term trustee gets immortalized in bricks and mortar.

  12. Just got my first piece of Kilquist campaign propaganda in the mail today. What a joke! It reads "he's had enough of Springfield politics, and believes we need elected officials who serve others, not themselves." He's obviously not had enough of being Madigan's lacky and Kilquist has been serving himself for decades. How many state pensions is he getting? When is he going to resign from the Board?

  13. Yea Madigan's boy now. Local union meeting, he's asked whether pension-stealing legislation was constitutional. Says no, then when someone pointed out that on the pre-meeting questionairre he had said yes, he says, "oh, someone else filled that out." Some else spelled M-A-D-I-G-A-N...

  14. Wonder how much money Kilquist will spend in this campaign? Wonder how many Pinch Penney Pub BOT meetings with Don,Clay,Jake,Bill been held in the frozen land? Title IX is what the board is after in Athletics and the Brewer-Kilquist quest for mediocrity n athletics by cutting budgets and making 3 scholarships available to local athletes in each sport mandatory! Kilquist comments at Local Union meeting cracks me up.. Just can't understand why in the world the BOT put Kilquist on the Security board committee when grievances were filed against him when he was head of security...AGENDA? SELF SERVING? BUT BILL IS AGAINST SELF SERVING SPRINGFIELD POLITICS...HE IS FOR THE VOTERS AND THE CITIZENS OF ILLINOIS... yep just like he was a supporter of the students at Logan.

    1. Follow the money . . . . there is no need to cut budgets in Athletics or any other area EXCEPT that $500K that is allocated for the Board of Trustees. Look at the 2013 Audit.

  15. When you follow the money you are shocked with the administrative salaries including Vice Presidents, Athletic Director; Wow.great jobs at Logan if you can climb up the ladder. Very few hours and big pay days with personal secretaries to do their work for them.

    1. You obviously don't know anything about athletics or the number of
      hours those individuals put into their jobs. I assure you they exceed the number of hours of the vice presidents. You also failed to respect that the individual in the AD position has given 30 years of service to the institution.
      I guess in your eyes he should still make the same salary as he did 30 years ago. Just another clueless opinion.

  16. So I guess the only opinion(s) on this blog that isn't clueless is...................yours? How righteous of you for the corrections.

  17. I can compare throughout the state of Illinois JC salaries for different positions and follow the money trail and realize the positions paid at John Logan are very lucrative and above standards set for most schools. No one is stating that coaches are over paid; just the chiefs. As far as length of time served the individuals deserve to be given a raise on an annual basis but just what does the vice presidents and athletic director do to merit the kind of money they are getting compared to the other Junior Colleges throughout the state. If you follow the money trail it raises alot of questions and answers to why the faculty is extremely underpaid and why there are so many part time teachers without benefits.

  18. Underpaid Faculty ? Sounds like the next Faculty negotiations may take a deeper look at $$$$$ Athletics spends.....seems a rift is developing in the anti board family

  19. I think the board committee on Athletics is in the process of looking at what athletics is spending. Title IX has come up several times . I really believe they will come to the conclusion that things are pretty good spending wise when you compare number of participants of each sport in the womens dept compared to mens athletics. Trustee Brewer is definitely on top of this and the discussion should take place at the end of this month's board meeting. Stay tuned; should be interesting!

  20. Thank you, Bill. Howse the campaign going?

  21. Wouldn't it be nice of whomever is responsible for the updating of the website to do their job consistently. The athletic pages are always updated but the overall website is not up to date at all. Speaking of updating; SOMEONE NEEDS TO UPDATE THE ENTIRE WEBSITE. it is outdated and very poor !

  22. The website is pitiful. Supposably been "updating" for months, but still the same tired, hard-to-use set up. Always plenty of pix of athlets or about to be athletes tho!

  23. It must be the public relations mans job to oversee that website...lets see; hmmmm wonder who that may be?

  24. The word is "supposedly" not supposably.

  25. thank you for the correction on supposedly..Logan should hire you as a FULL TIME ENGLISH TEACHER...apply to Don Brewer

  26. I LOVE board members,staff members and citizens who are not afraid 2 stand up to superiors instead of kiss asses who are scared to lose their jobs if they disagree with what is going on. HATS off to trustee sanfers 4 his stand against brewer and kilquist on athletic recruitment of 3 in district players per sport.

    great job by all board members who would not let kilquist and brewer get their vendetta through discussion.. kilquist claims he achieved what he wanted to accomplish but n reality he just showed how darn STUPID and vindictive he is. The coaches now have to justify why they go out of district for athletes on paper micromanagement again i suggest that the human relations director do the same for the board on every position hired at the college -alot more interesting to we tax payers then sports
    Greatr job Mr Sanders and the rest of the board for having COMMON SENSE!

  27. A few months ago it was publicized in the Southern Illinoisan that Logan must repay the ICCB (state) 1.7 million dollars due to illegal assesment of fees for tuition and credit hours for the rec center. Our current board chairman JAKE RENDLEMAN was a member of the ICCB at that time when the "actions of Logan board" tried to make themselves look good by advertising more money,higher credit hour production and greater influence. Although the past president has retired and one other administrator during that ime has retired it seems to me Mr Rendleman would have known about this deception or mistake when he was with the ICCB and could have eliminated the possibility of 1.7 million repay. Or was he too busy trying to covering it up to save his own face. WE WANT TO KNOW HOW THIS IS GOING TO BE REPAID NOW...It is a shame that it will come at the expense of the taxpayers and students of JALC. Speak up Mr. did it get this far?

  28. jake rendleman running for the board again! dont you feel you have served enough grief to Logan College to quit the board? Answer the question on how the board that you served on got nailed by ICCB for 1.7 million when you were also a member of the Logan board....ELECTION TIME COMING...get ready to answer that question Mr. have been dodging this long enough

  29. THANKS TO MIKE HOPKINS FOR HIS 8 YEARS OF SERVICE TO BOARD AT LOGAN..He decided to not run and give others the opportunity to serve on board. TOO BAD that Rendleman , Brewer and Kilquist don't feel the same. Difference in Winners and self oriented individuals
