Sunday, March 19, 2017


Bluntly, where are the Spring numbers?  Enrollment counts are called "tenth day numbers" for a reason.  The snapshot is taken at the tenth day of classes.  Tomorrow starts the ninth week of the term, at John A. Logan College.  How hard is this?

As you may remember, Muddy Williamson took the College to task for their claims of increased enrollment and their methods of comparison after they released Fall 2016 numbers.  Maybe they realize their Spring 2017 report will make no more sense.  Maybe enrollment will not be the improvement they claimed would result from the reorganization. 

Hey, that reminds us!  Let's talk about the layoffs and the fact that administration hasn't brought all needed full time faculty back.  In searching the JALC website, looking for the Spring 2017 enrollment count, we stumbled across a press release regarding the Quiz Bowl team.  The team went to nationals!  It is coached by Sociology assistant professor Tom Chandler.  Mr. Chandler was one of the full time faculty the current BOT booted out, last March.  Fortunately, Chandler was one of those called back.  This is an example of the good teaching, and service, the students, College and district get when excellent faculty are recalled. 

Recall 'em all!  ...And release those numbers. 


  1. What's the deal with your comments section? I can't post to it!

  2. Testing your site.

  3. Well, OK. Now it let's me do it. I was using Safari, on an iPad, and could get nowhere. I just tried IE and Chrome and it let's me comment from both of those.

  4. Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We wondered why some posts weren't getting much reaction. See our most recent post for the "solution".
