Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Unholy Alliance?

Rumors circulated today that current JALC Board member Don Brewer has threatened to gut (or eviserate, depending on the version you heard) the Athletics Department, after the coming Board election.  The threat is assumed to be related to perceived friendships between athletic department personnel and Board candidate Mike Vanhorn.  Mr. Vanhorn has made it his mission, in the campaign, to needle Mr. Brewer and Board candidate Bill Kilquist. 

Given Vanhorn's reported relationship to the athletic department, it's interesting to note the rumored threat from Brewer comes on the heels of Mr. Kilquist's comments regarding cutting the athletic department budget.   At the February 19 candidate forum, candidates were asked their thoughts on what cuts, if any, needed to be made.  Kilquist's first slice would be from the athletic department.  He and Brewer seem to be rowing the same direction. 


  1. My campaign to run for the Board of Trustees was NOT initiated by Athletics or the Athletic Director Jerry Halstead. He had no idea I was going to run for the board. My campaign stemmed from community sarcasm about the board as well as my own experiences in the interview process in 2000-2001. My experience in raising funds in this community was difficult due to the Boards hiring policy.
    In 2001 there was a foundation job open and I applied for it while on campus volunteering for the baseball team as an asst. coach. That process included interviews and Greg Legan was the coordinator of the Foundation at the time.
    It came down to the board...they made the final decision on who to hire and Mr Legans recommendation was a young female who had the best credentials--not me.
    The job went to a Carbondale resident who was best friends with Jake Rendleman. It was Jakes turn to get an employee in at Logan... This man who was hired had a car salesman background and lasted in the foundation around 6 months prior to being moved to a HALL MONITOR POSITION due to his lack of ability to handle the daily routines in raising funds for the college. WHY WASN'T THE YOUNG LADY HIRED WHO HAD THE BEST CREDENTIALS FOR THIS POSITION? POLITICAL HIRING AT ITS BEST AND IT IS going on still at this college..regardless of what the policies are. There are many ways to skirt the rules of hiring.
    I went back to Northern illinois and began my own business which I sold after 3 years for a very lucrative amount which allows me to put in so much time for the Board of Trustees
    No hard feelings for me..their decision allowed me to develop a couple of businesses and sell them after going through lung cancer treatments..but I will never forget that the best person WAS NOT hired by the college.

    1. Does the Hall Monitor still work at the college?

    2. I thought they hired a young woman from SIUC and she wasn't at the college long before she went back to SIUC. Who is this "hall monitor"?

  2. No the Hall Monitor retired and he is very thankful for the Logan help which helped his pension and social security checks each month.Logan and the "political machine" helped out this man..but what about the college? Name of the game is JOBS for a certain board member and his "political cronies" on the board.
