Saturday, August 24, 2013

What's your favorite line item?

We've been waiting for the new budget, the first one really created by this new prez & staff, and its now on the school website for the required 30 day comment period.

We seem to have lost our main heckler (no one has called us idiots all summer), which leaves us wondering about the the mysterious "follow the money" poster. Same person?

What are you outraged about, but not willing to attend a publc comments period and risk the wrath of Brewer & Co by pointing out?

This is your forum. 


  1. OK. Page 1, 2014 BUDGET: Note transfer OUT of Education Fund of 2.1 mil. Note Auxiliary (athletics, bookstore, etc) receives 1.2 mil. Also note BEGIN BALANCE in Auxiliary Enterprises of 3.0 mil. HOWEVER, budgeted revenues ae only $522K. Transfer IN/OUT are perfectly legal as long as they follow the state regulations. But I wonder if the average voter & taxpayer understands this? More to follow . . . (sorry I couldn't resist).

  2. Congratulations goes to the mens golf team by achieving Division I status at the Juco level due to the recommendation of board member Don Brewer. The mens golf team needs to be D-1 for recognition of players in major universities as well as all other sports at JALC. Mr. Killquist, although not on the athletic committee still is pushing for more in District participants in the athletic programs at John Logan but it is difficult to get anymore quality players for D-1 programs from this area then already recruited by all coaches in the athletic department. If Mr. Kilquist would check he would find that the staff watches several players from Southern Illinois and the athletic director and coaches invite those players onto campus quite frequently in basketball tourneys and baseball tourneys and watch them in person play. Trust them to select the best players for their program rather then pushing for something that can never be achieved at the D-1 level of competition. If the players are in Southern Illinois the coaching staff will find them and attempt to sign them. Quite a few Southern Illinois participants in the Logan Athletic programs currently!
