Sunday, March 15, 2015

Using Logan's logo

Driving around Williamson County, this weekend, one sees lot's of yard signs popping up like crocus.  Many are for candidates to be on John A. Logan's Board of Trustees.

A couple questions spring to mind.  One, is it permissable to use the Logan logo in partisan ads?  Two, if not, why are current Board chair Jake Rendleman and former president Ray Hancock displaying the Logan logo on their yard signs?

It gives the impression that their campaigns have an institutional endorsement.  If it is not OK to be doing this, when will Steve O'Keefe and/or the Logan legal counsel be insisting that Mr. Rendleman and Dr. Hancock cease and desist?


  1. And now there are five?

    1. So who does that help? Seems like you already have the "angry, red-faced guy from Mboro defeated in last election" slot filled wth Sherrif Bill so dont need Bill A. Someone else is going down... bets?

    2. Love to see someone commenting about a Junior College site that spells like a first grader!

  2. Now Angry Bill Allstat is using the logan logo! Word is Mike Drieth approved it, trying to stay friends with everyone in case they get elected. And how pathetic is it that none of the unions at Logan can find three candidates otu of this pack to endorse?

  3. President Dreith is not the blame here..what is wrong with using the logo? It is always used in articles etc..doesn't mean the Union represents that just represents the college they are running for. Concentrate on what is important-The financial crisis at the college-who has the right background running for Board to know HOW to cut the budget without effecting the kids and education. Guarantee you there are 2 candidates -Ray Hancock and Brad Heuring know what's important..My opinion for what its worth a 3.1 million dollar investment in a new administrative computer system was a bad investment approved by the board when they knew the CUTS WERE COMING! Something that could have waited for awhile .done right before they cut Golf!

  4. Southern Illinoisan today endorsed their 3 candidates for the Logan Board of Trustees...and what a great surprise..Now if the voters will get out and pay attention they had 3 good candidates... Brad Heuring, Little and Ray Hancock..All academic backgrounds, Heuring only one currently in education but all with the academic viewpoints on overcoming Logans setbacks to current cutbacks.. GREAT ENDORSEMENT and getting the old timers off board who loves to run the college and micro manage..Sure would make the college educators and president more comfortable in DOING THEIR JOB THAT THEY ARE PAID FOR

  5. Yah, I bet the incumbent is fuming at getting dissed by the local paper after all his years on the board. Mr. Rendleman, obivously the paper thinks YOU are part of the problem, and even a guy who's son works at the school and sister-in-law is already on the board is better than you, not to mention the utterly inexperienced at anything besides sucking up Mandy LIttle. Ouch.

  6. IT IS VERY SIMPLE..time for him to get off the board and realize that he has lost alot of respect due to his micro-managing and being at the school way too much.Just needs to realize that it is time to bow out of the political phase of his life like he did with the Cville city council--if he won't go, then the voters have to get him out!

  7. get the sculptor ready; jake back on board for 6 more years. If the Logan statue can be changed to a camel and a sculptor can make a good statue with Rendleman sitting on Brewers lap on top of the camel will be finished by the end of Rendleman and Brewers term. we must have a figure head made of leading the camel with a leash and that would be of Sheriff Bill with a great big badge on his back! The name of the school would be changed and the mascot would be the LAP DOGS not the volunteers.

  8. The mighty Democratics have taken over the board at Logan College again as expected with the voiting in of Alstat who is sometimes Republican, sometimes Democratic depending on which way he feels the vote will go for him. Brewer long time Democratic party leader will lead the way again as chairman of the board with vice president Kilquist and secretary Rendleman following through with all his wishes along with Alstat. Going to be a big year for the big 4 to make decisions on cutbacks. Hopefully the administration including Brewers son Clay salaries are frozen and no big raises to them at all. The vice presidents job who just retired should be assumed by another vice president..with very little pay raise to save money. Hopefully the Big 4 do not cut the faculty or extra curricular activities any more then they have to. Too many CHIEFS and not enough INDIANS is not the way you want the institute to go

  9. Oh, if you could only spell, punctuate be grammatically correct and get your facts straight. By the way, the lady's name is Jackie Hancock not Jane Hancock!
